WP 4
Work Package 4
- Identification of examples of successful practice and quality criteria
The IntlUni Principles
The diagram below provides an overview of the interdependence of the different elements of the MMLS learning environment. These elements consist of three dimensions involving three corresponding focuses of activity and quality principles. For each dimension there is an actor – the institution, the teacher and the student, respectively – who influences a process which is described as the focus of activity. The quality principles describe the conditions under which these processes can lead to the successful fulfillment of learning outcomes in all disciplines across the curriculum.
Identification of examples of successful practice and quality criteria
Based on the input provided by WPs 2 and 3, WP 4 constitutes the core of the development work to be undertaken in the course of the project (2013-2015).
Month 13:
In the course of the work of the first year of the project (in connection with WPs 2 and 3), PPs will already have identified examples of successful practice. At the 3rd all-partner meeting, PPs will develop a plan for how to identify further examples of successful practice as well as grid according to which such examples should be described.
Months 14-17:
Following this meeting, PPs will identify and describe examples of successful practice (cases). At the same time the grid will be circulated via the electronic media, inviting other stakeholders to submit examples of successful practice to the project (electronic consultation).
Months 17-21:
WPLL, in collaboration with the PC and PM, will collect the cases and prepare an overview of the cases presented.
Month 21:
The cases will form the input to the 4th all partner meeting at which the PPs will discuss the cases submitted and the begin to identify reference points with a view to agreeing on a first set of quality criteria for teaching and learning in the M&MLS.
Month 22-24:
A synthesis report on the characteristics of successful practice (with generic case examples) will be prepared.
Months 22-24:
The first draft set of quality criteria will be prepared.
Month 25:
At a workshop held back-to-back with the 5th all-partner meeting, project-external experts will respond to and discuss with PPs the draft set of quality criteria based on the examples of successful practice (cases) identified.
Months 26-29:
As a result of the workshop and 5th all-partner meeting, a draft set of quality criteria (reference points) will be posted on the website with a view to eliciting response and comments from a widercircle of stakeholders (electronic consultation).
Months 29-33:
WPLL, in collaboration with the PC and PM, will prepare the final list with appropriate definitions of the reference points identified.
Month 33:
Final agreement on the list and definitions of reference points will be agreed at the 6th all-partner meeting.
Work Packages Leaders
Thomas Vogel, European University Viarina Frankfurt (Oder) (EUV), DE
Kevin Haines, University of Groningen (RUG), NL
Stacey Marie Cozart, Aarhus University (AU), DK
Outcomes of WP 4
Illustratives samples
In 2013/2014 examples of good practice were collected at the partner institutions and subsequently used to develop the IntlUni principles for quality teaching and learning in the multilingual and multicultural learning space. Some of the examples have now been rewritten as illustrative samples of good practice. While one hat does not fit all, and not all of the examples can be transferred into another educational context and academic culture without changes at all, there is a richness of ideas and inspiration to be gleaned from them. It has therefore been decided that a few of them should be made available to a wider audience.