Welcome to IntlUni
- The Challenges of the Multilingual and Multicultural Learning Space in the International University
- An Erasmus Academic Network with 38 educational institutions in 27 countries
- A project of the EU Lifelong Learning Programme (2012-2015)
based on IntlUni final outcomes
Final outcomes
2014.06.25 | Meeting
Workshop day with external experts and 5th All Partner Meeting in Braga, Portugal 4-7 November 2014
Our next IntlUni All Partner Meeting will take place in November and we greatly appreciate that the University of Minho, Braga will be hosting it. In addition to the meeting there will be a workshop w
2014.06.24 | Meeting
IntlUni: What’s been Achieved and the Way Forward
Perched on the hills above Lac Léman on the Franco-Swiss border, Lausanne University, our host venue for the 4th IntlUni All-Partner Meeting, proved an ideal place to review how far the project has co
2014.06.23 | Meeting
Fruitful 4th All Partner Meeting in Lausanne
Universities to the north, east and west of Europe had been our destinations for the first three IntlUni All Partner Meetings, and – after Aarhus, Warsaw and Essex – it was now the University of Lausa
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Outcomes of Year 1
What is IntlUni?
Introduction video to the project IntlUni - The Challenges of the Multiligual and Multicultural Learning Space in the International University - 1st year of the project
Welcome to the website of IntlUni Erasmus Academic Network. IntlUni has addressed the Challenges of the Multilingual and Multicultural Learning Space in the International University.
The aims of the IntlUni Erasmus Academic Network have been
to identify the quality criteria that should characterise teaching and learning in the Multilingual and Multicultural Learning Space; and
to develop recommendations for how Higher Education Institutions may implement and ensure the sustainability of quality teaching and learning in the Multilingual and Multicultural Learning Space.

Pictures from meetings
- Aarhus launch meeting Oct. 2012
- Warsaw partner meeting June 2013
- Brussels final conference Sep 2015